The Festival: Portland Maine June 21 and 22 2013

Big thanks to the Portland Press Herald for laying out what makes The Festival so awesome. If you didn’t know, we have brewers (yes, actual brewers) coming in from all over the world converging on Portland, Maine this weekend for our second installment of The Festival. TIckets for the Friday and Saturday night sessions are still available as of the afternoon of June 20. Purchase tickets here:
The Press Herald was so excited about this momentous event they did a 4 section article on it:
Portland Beer Festival to Showcase Stars Of the Suds
From the above article: “Some of these brewers — in our weird, demented, beer geek world — are like celebrities,” Kramer said, “and you don’t get a chance to meet these people on a daily basis.”
10 Beers to Watch For At The Festival
From the above: 2. A treat for those into Geuze (blended lambic beer) is that there will be some very old bottles of Drie Fonteinen Oude Geuze, from 1998, 1999 and 2001. There will be only “a few cases,” and one vintage will be poured at each session.
What to Look For At The Festival
From the above: Finally, here are just a few of the many special beers that have been created especially for The Festival, which won’t be seen anywhere else (at least for now): 3 Fonteinen Intense Red, a cherry lambic with more cherries added than scientists had heretofore thought possible. De Ranke XXX Bitter, an extra-hoppy version of the famous XX Bitter, from Belgium, dry-hopped with additional Hallertauer Mittlefrueh hops. Kerkom Hop Verdomme, another hoppy benchmark from a hop-loving farmhouse brewer in Belgium.
Outside Events Related To The Festival
From the above: ALL WEEKEND NOVARE RES BIER CAFE, 4 Canal Plaza, will be showcasing brews from The Festival and local brewers. Open 3 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday and 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday. Call 761-2437.