Philly Beer Week

Philly Beer Week is here! Here’s the full Shelton Brothers schedule: Friday, 5/30: Kick off the week with a De Struise tapping at The Iron Abbey starting at 5 p.m., then head over to The Loft for a Dieu du Ciel! tasting. Saturday, 5/31: It’s…
Napar News!

Our friends at Naparbier are coming stateside, making the journey all the way from Spain to do — what else? — some brewing and some drinking. These folks are a collaborative bunch, having brewed with HaandBryggeriet, Lervig, Nøgne Ø, Toccalmatto, Mikkeller, Evil Twin, and Beavertown….
Shelton Brothers in Denver

We’re dragging ourselves to the airport at 3am on Monday to cross a few time zones on our way to this year’s Craft Brewers Conference. We’ll have events each night, where we’ll be joined by our friends from all over the world. See you there,…
Kulmbacher in das haus

Thomas Wölfel, Worldwide Export Manager for the Kulmbacher breweries, including EKU, Moenchshof, and Kapuziner, kicks off a rare US whirlwind vist tonight at Jimmy’s no 43 ( in NYC’s east village. This special “Industry Tap Night” will feature four Kulmbach drafts, and, if you’re lucky, the…
Shelton Brothers Post-Litigation Drinkathon

Don’t be fooled by the Cornhole picture, our victory in the lawsuit is not yet assured! When big distributors consolidate and try to cage in small brewers, we have no choice but to take a stand. Want to know more? Then get yourself to Louisville,…