Lager Love

The Shelton kids grew up on lager, and our go-to beer at the dinner table as children was the quite-dry Piels Real Draft. Poured from Dad’s 33cL bottle straight into two-ounce un-tilted Dixie Cups for maximum head-retention, “PRD” (just kidding, people used real words in…
The Festival 2015 — Bottle & Tap List
18th Street VIP: Sour Note Blackberry Gose & Deal With the Devil All Sessions: For Rent Single-Hop Citra Pale Session 1: Hunter Vanilla Double Milk Stout Session 2: Forman Coffee Porter Session 3: Sour Note Flanders 7venth Sun All Sessions: TimeBomb Session IPA Octo Has…
The British Are Coming!
August is a cracking month to visit Great Britain. Thousands of vacationers from around the globe flock there this time of year, attracted by such internationally renowned spectacles as the British Open Crabbing Championship, the Egton Bridge Gooseberry Show, and the World Bog Snorkeling Championship, to…
Zwanze Day 2015

Get ready, Zwanze fans! On 9.19.15, the following locations (plus many more around the world) will be tapping Cantillon’s Wild Brussels Stout at the exact same time: – Anchorage Brewing Co. — Anchorage, Alaska – Apex — Portland, Oregon – Armsby Abbey — Worcester, Massachusetts –…
A Salute to ‘Merica
America salutes itself this weekend, and rightly so. Back in 1773, when outraged colonials in the Shelton Brothers’ home state of Massachusetts dumped great sacks of British hops (mistakenly labeled “tea”) into Boston Harbor, they were making a historic dual statement — “no taxation without…