State of the Union
My fellow Americans . . .At first I was upset and even a little angry when Brother Will informed me that, after he wrote up a snappy new intro for our home page, he didn’t hit ‘preview,’ but instead hit ‘publish’ – thereby inadvertently…
Happy New Year
Greetings and best wishes to all for the new year! 2006 will mark the tenth anniversary for Shelton Brothers, and we plan to celebrate, big time. What does that mean to you? Plenty. We’ve got a bunch of new beers coming, from such far-flung places…
Upcoming Events
THURSDAY, 29 June Whole Foods Market, Hadley MA 7:00 PM A special event featuring Stephan Michel, from the Mahr’s Brewery in Bamberg, GermanyThe Dirty Truth, Northampton MA 9:00 PM From Whole Foods, Stephan moves on to Northampton to spread the word.FRIDAY – SUNDAY, 30 June…
The Brothers Beer Blog
Posted by Steve B on 12/18/2004 11:30 AMThere are certain beers which [sic] I have always thought should never be exported to the States, Westvleteren amongst them. (Spezial in Bamberg is another, but that’s a different thread altogether.) The monks are right — there’s something…
Introducing the Brothers Beer Blog
Hey Everyone!!! This is the maiden voyage of our own message board!!! It’s a voyage that will take us from the U.S. to Europe, especially Belgium, and back again!!! And back again to Europe, and then back to the U.S., and then back and forth,…