The Pissenlit auction is closed!

Thank you to everyone who has made a bid to help Justine! More than $US 6000.00 has been raised to help her win her battle with Leukodystrophy.THE AUCTION IS NOW CLOSED TO FURTHER BIDS.


Fantôme Charity Auction

In the small village of Ohis, France, there’s a young girl named Justine who needs our help. Justine is suffering from a rare neurological condition known as leukodystrophy, which often leads to paralysis, and we’re trying to raise money for her desperately-needed operation.Brasserie Fantôme’s Dany…


Introducing the Scandinavian Craft Brewers Guild

Not too far from Hell, in southern Norway, a local priest has angered parishioners by ‘fraternizing with the devil.’ The ‘devil,’ in this case, is Kjetil Jikiun, brewer at Nøgne-Ø Brewery, where the priest has been taking brewing lessons. Kjetil cannot fail to find some…


If it quacks, part deux

Mr. Lipa’s invocation of HORAL is one fat, quacking canard if ever there was one. I almost feel bad bringing it down. But a man’s gotta shoot what a man’s gotta shoot. Quick and painless:HORAL is an informal association of lambic brewers whose primary mission…


Black, White & Read: Cantillon in the News

Black, White & Read: Cantillon in the News   Visitors to our blog know our feelings on the debate about ‘authentic’ lambic. As NY Daily News columnist Ron Givens recently wrote, “There are no such questions about Cantillon, which brews the way it first did…