Where the Wild Beers Are

Something fun is taking place in Minneapolis soon. The event is officially called Where the Wild Beers Are. It is being put on by a guy we call Jeff Two Wallets, from Twin Cities Imbiber, and hosted by the good folks at Stub & Herbs….


Nørrebro Bryghus Launches Old Odense Ale – A Unique Beer Created in a Unique Way!

It is with great pride and pleasure that Nørrebro Bryghus hereby announces that Old Odense Ale – a truly unique, challenging and charming beer, created as a joint brewing project between Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head and Nørrebro Bryghus – is now available through selected…


Franconian beer hits California!

That’s right folks, the Franconians are coming to California. Soon, and maybe even as we speak, BevMo stores across the state will be filling their shelves with some wonderful lagers from what might just be the best beer region on Earth. Look for fresh 5L…


San Diego Fair Beer Fest

For all you in Southern California that are starving for some good Shelton Brothers beers, you best get yourself to the Del Mar Fairgrounds this Saturday, June 21 for their Craft Brewers Competition and Festival. We’ll put emphasis on the festival part of that name….


Prepping for a beer dinner down South…

As I type this, Dan is preparing for Martin Wine Cellars’ first beer dinner. Their Metairie location (New Orleans suburb), which features a gourmet bistro and deli, will host the event tonight. Unfortunately, for all of you just hearing about this now, the event is…