Upcoming Events…featuring our beers…
Just a quick note on a few upcoming events that will feature Shelton Brothers beers and our highly trained and educated staff of beer professionals. First up, tomorrow we’ll be presenting beers in a place that is pretty new to the world of great beers:…
Dust Off Your Wooden Shoes!
We know you’ve been waiting for the perfect occasion to slip on those clogs you bought during that frenzied trip through Amsterdam back in college. Maybe you’ve been putting cut tulips in them during the spring? Shame on you, wooden shoes is for wearin’! Peter…
Real cider.
With the arrival of three new ciders from Henney’s, we’re growing even more excited about the future of this traditional drink. Along with Farnum Hill and Oliver’s, Henney’s Ciders are the real thing. It is time for us to ask a very important question: are…
Why do you buy our beers?
Graduate students at Western New England College are researching buyer behavior for imported craft beer. This research is being conducted for educational purposes and involves interviewing someone who drinks imported craft beer. The interview will involve a variety of questions that seek help students understand…
An open letter to Sarah Palin
Dear Sarah, We know you are probably busy keeping an eye on Russia for us, but we thought maybe you could use a break from that and the new baby and everything, ya know? We would like to invite you to visit the Shelton Brothers…