Weird Beard Mesca Ulad
Weird Beard • England
From the brewer:
“Made by a team of Ulster Exiles at Weird Beard, this brew features Veda (Irish malted) bread and has been barrel aged in The Quiet Man Irish whiskey barrels. Expect sticky, date-y, malt flavours meets Irish dry porter paired with vanilla and oak sweetness from the barrel-aging.
We bounced a few ideas for the name around. We thought of taking the piss out of the troubles and the sectarian divide in Northern Ireland, but Weird Beard had already done that with Suspect Device that they brewed with Farmageddon. The thought then came round to Ulster myths and ancient history. There is a story in the Ulster Cycle called Mesca Ulad. It is a story of Ulster warriors going to two feasts in one night, instead of choosing one, and ending up careering drunkenly around Ireland. The translation of Mesca Ulad is The Intoxication of the Ulstermen. We found this to be fairly apt.
So who was involved with the project?
- Gregg Irwin, co-founder of Weird Beard Brew Co
- Chris Taylor, brewer at Weird Beard Brew Co
- Ryan McLean, founder/brewer at Bullfinch Brewery
- Jonathan Hamilton, brewer at Beavertown
- Chris Heaney, head of production at Partizan Brewing
- Russell Lee, brewer at Brick Brewery
- Colin Stronge, head brewer at Buxton Brewery
- Jan Rogers, owner of Marble brewery
- Joe Ince, brewer at Marble brewery
- Russell Erskine, brewer at Brewdog
Style: Imperial Stout
ABV: 10.90%
Packaging: KeyKegs
Brewer Website: http://weirdbeardbrewco.com/
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