Cambridge La Saisonniere

Cambridge Brewing Company United States

From the brewer –

Our grisette is a hazy, bright gold from a complex grist of organic pilsner and wheat malts, plus organic oats, rye, and buckwheat. Subtly hopped with Spalt and Hallertauer hops which contribute balance and a hint of floral character, though the grains are really on display. Tart fruity, spicy grain flavors come from the rye and buckwheat and are bolstered by spice notes and hints of citrus from a special guest yeast strain, that of the famous Brasserie d’Achouffe.

A session beer with Belgian ancestry, this seemingly simple biére de table is surprisingly complex. Served in a traditional tulip glass to emphasize the glowing effervescence and special nature of this delightful little beer.”

Style: Saison

ABV: 4.0%

Packaging: 12/750ml Cases

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