Brouwerij West Dog Ate My Homework

Brouwerij West United States

From the brewer:

“I really wanted to put as much blackberry into a beer as possible and see if we could keep it dry and drinkable in a full pint size pour. I used our saison extra as a base and added the blackberry juice in secondary fermentation.

Why Blackberries? Blackberries have a wonderful sweetness that is not TOO sweet or full. They are rich in color and aroma and have a unique drying charcter that is felt across the whole pallet. I am not a fan of sweet beers, so it was important to me that this beer have lots of deep blackberry fruit and a deep respect for the saison’s dry palate.”

Style: Fruit Beer

ABV: 7.00%

Packaging: 750 ml bottles,1/6 bbl keg

Brewer Website:

Other Beers by Brouwerij West