Grimm Bees With A Buzz

Grimm Artisanal Ales United States

From the brewer:

“Bière de miel aged in brandy barrels | 8% ABV

BEES WITH A BUZZ is the brandy barrel aged version of Bees in the Trappe, our bière de miel brewed with clover honey and a trappist ale yeast. The delicate honey and yeast flavors of stone fruit and spice that characterized the original version of Bees in the Trappe are now overlaid with notes of vanilla, sherry, distilled white wine, and a distinct nuttiness. The elegant subtleties of brandy and oak create a richness that develops further with each taste. This beer is perfect for cool autumn nights, harvest moons, and falling leaves.”

Style: Farmhouse Ale

ABV: 8.00%

Packaging: 22 oz bottles

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Other Beers by Grimm Artisanal Ales