Isn’t it good?
Actually, John, it’s bloody brilliant. Hundreds of years ago, you see, Norwegian farmers were also strictly required to be brewers. It was as simple as this: if you didn’t brew, your farm was taken away from you. And the ale these law-abiding Norwegian farmers made was strong and smoky, flavored with local juniper berries instead of hops.Inevitably, this law was abandoned, as was the tradition of brewing juniper smoked beer in Norway. Until now.
Ladies, gentlemen, historians, lovers of tradition, and Beatles fans, we give you Norwegian Wood, from Haandbryggeriet, the tiny ‘Hand Brewery.’ Haand’s splendid recreation of this traditional style is not to be missed. Our first shipment arrives in the country this weekend — look for this beer (as well as Haand’s cheeky Double Extreme Imperial Wheat Stout) at enlightened shops and bars beginning in early July.