Citizens of the World in Denver

A quick note to let everybody know that Bryan Baird will be visiting Denver this week, as well Ron Jeffries of Jolly Pumpkin. Daniel & Tessa along with a couple others of the SBs crew will also be there.

Thursday night we will be in the basement of the Falling Rock Taphouse, for what will surely be a nice quiet evening of intimate conversation 😉 We will have some beers from some of our favorite US brewers there: Jolly Pumpkin, High & Mighty, St. Somewhere, Smuttynose, Pretty Things, Pizza Port (Carlsbad), Modern Monks. We will also have some other “American” beers from Dieu du Ciel and Trois Mousquetaires. Remember, American doesn’t just mean the US!We will also have some beers from the first craft brewery in Spain: Cervesera del Montseny.

We’d love to see everybody there. Any US brewers out there who would like to talk about export or possible collaboration brews around the world should definitely look us up. Shoot an email to matt AT and we can try to arrange something! Please insert the appropriate symbol for the letters AT.


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