Toccalmatto/Prairie Okie Matilde
Birra Toccalmatto • Italy
From the brewer:
When Chase Healey from Prairie Artisan Ales came for a visit, we brewed this Brett Belgian Ale, paying homage to a world famous Trappist ale, to the legend of Matilda of Tuscany and the connection between Canossa and Orval Abbey, and Chase’s state of birth, Oklahoma. No further explanation needed, right?
Style: Belgian Ale
ABV: 6.20%
Packaging: 750 ml bottles
Brewer Website: http://www.birratoccalmatto.it/
Other Beers by Birra Toccalmatto
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- Toccalmatto Dr. Caligari
- Toccalmatto Grooving Hop
- Toccalmatto Heart & Soul
- Toccalmatto Jadis
- Toccalmatto Kilowatt
- Toccalmatto Oceania
- Toccalmatto Re Hop
- Toccalmatto Salty Angel
- Toccalmatto Skizoid
- Toccalmatto Sugar Kane
- Toccalmatto Tabularasa
- Toccalmatto Zona Cesarini
- Toccalmatto/Evil Twin Kaleidoscope
- Toccalmatto/Hair of The Dog Matt²
- Toccalmatto/Nøgne Ø Tohki Shu
- Toccalmatto/Prairie Okie Matilde
- Toccalmatto/Revelation Cat Quintessenza
- Toccalmatto/Ritterguts Baby Snake
- Toccalmatto/Stillwater Armella
- Toccalmatto/Stillwater Toats