Renaissance Boonies New Zealand Pilsner
Renaissance Brewing Company • New Zealand
Boonies is a New Zealand pilsner produced by the multi-award winning Renaissance Brewery in Marlborough New Zealand. Made to be drunk on hot summer days or with spicy food during the cooler months, it is full of tropical New Zealand hops that combine with the traditionally smooth pilsner yeast and malt perfectly. A kiwi take on a European classic.
Style: Lager
ABV: 5.50%
Packaging: 330ml bottles and 30L KeyKegs
Brewer Website: http://www.renaissancebrewing.co.nz/
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- Renaissance Elemental Porter
- Renaissance Fresh Hop Black the RIPA
- Renaissance Grandmaster
- Renaissance Great Punkin
- Renaissance Imperial Dark Saison
- Renaissance Manuka Smoked Porter
- Renaissance MPA
- Renaissance Oak-Aged Stonecutter
- Renaissance Sencha Saison
- Renaissance Stonecutter Scotch Ale
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- Renaissance Voyager
- Renaissance/8 Wired Wirecutter