Põhjala/To Øl Cellar Series – BA Taanilinn (Cognac)
Põhjala • Estonia
From the brewer:
“Taanilinn is the Estonian for Danish Town – this is where the capital Tallinn got its name from and this is where Denmark got their national flag Dannebrog in 1219, when it fell from the sky.
Põhjala and To Øl created this beer together to honour the old Danish heritage of Tallinn. Deep complex oatmeal stout aged for months on Cognac barrels, spiced with all the best from the liquors of Estonia.”
Style: Oatmeal Stout
ABV: 14.00%
Packaging: 30L KeyKegs
Brewer Website: http://pohjalabeer.com/
Grains: Pale malt, Munich malt, Flaked Oats, Carafa 2 Special, Cara Pale, Chocolate Malt, Cara 150
Hops: Magnum, Northern Brewer
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- Põhjala/To Øl Cellar Series – BA Taanilinn (Cognac)