Mönchshof Festbier
Kulmbacher Brauerei • Germany
Every summer, at the end of July, thousands of people from the Franconian city of Kulmbach and the surrounding countryside converge on the big tent set up in the old town’s square for a raucous nine-day orgy of dancing, eating, and beer-drinking. The Kulmbacher Bier Woche (“Beer Week”) is the third largest festival in Bavaria, and the most traditional.
This special lager beer is brewed for the occasion. Slightly richer and weightier than the city’s everyday brews, but supremely quaffable, it’s made to be consumed in in the classic liter stein. Mönchshof Festbier is, we think, the best of the four local Kulmbach favorites featured at Bier Woche – dark golden, firmly malty & round, but quite well-hopped, with the unrivalled balance of a classic Franconian lager.
The people of Kulmbach get to enjoy this beer for only a few days in July – but now drinkers in the U.S. can celebrate Beer Week all year long.
“Ein Prosit!”