Mahr’s Bock
Mahr's Bräu • Germany
Frankly, Bock beer is not our favorite style. Most German Bocks are clean, sweet, and bland – too slick for their own good, and too cloying to be very satisfying. And there are too many of them to begin with. But this Mahr’s Bock is different. It’s a little sweet, of course, and strong, but unlike the rest of them, it is only lightly filtered, and unpasteurized. That means a lot more flavor, with nuance and complexity that you have never experienced in a Bock before, as well as a warm, almost rough texture that is wholesome and gratifying. At the same time, it is shockingly pale and light on the palate, with a lovely fresh malt flavor, refreshing enough to drink even in summer (if you’re in the mood for something a little more substantial).
Like everything else from Mahr’s, this is a traditional style from a different dimension. Don’t give up on Bock until you’ve tried this one.