Kapuziner Weisse
Kulmbacher Brauerei • Germany
The perfect refresher! Classic Bavarian wheat beer made the right way, with a lot more flavor than the competition.
Kapuziner Weisse is made in the traditional fashion, using roughly equal portions of wheat and barley malt, a small dose of fresh hops and a special yeast that produces wonderful fruity flavors. It matches a yeasty, citrus tang with a spicy complexity and a surprising light, almost tropical fruitiness. Malted wheat guarantees a big head that just won’t go away and gives a firm, yet silky texture. Live yeast is left unfiltered to give the beer a hazy glow that is powerfully seductive.
Wheat beer – probably the most refreshing in the world – was once the beer of summer in bavaria. beer lovers have come to appreciate it also as a hearty and satisfying brew, and now enjoy it year ’round.
Bavarians will tell you in all seriousness that this is the perfect beer to start off the day. Unfiltered wheat beer is also reputed to be an excellent hangover remedy. But we consider it a delight at any time of the day.