Fantôme/Grimm Fantôme-Grimm
Fantôme • Belgium
From the brewer:
“Kindred spirits from afar create an ode to friendship through fermentation. In a bubbling Wallonian cauldron the known leads back to the unknown. Don’t ask what makes it so tasty… the Fantôme never gives up all of his secrets”
Style: Saison
ABV: 8.00%
Packaging: 750 ml bottles
Brewer Website: http://www.fantome.be/
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- Fantôme de Noel
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- Fantôme Ghost Turtle
- Fantôme Gourmande
- Fantôme Hiver
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- Fantôme Lea’s Journey
- Fantôme Magic Ghost
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- Fantôme Printemps
- Fantôme Saison
- Fantôme Strange Ghost
- Fantôme/Grimm Fantôme-Grimm
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