Dieu du Ciel! Herbe à Détourne
Dieu Du Ciel! • Canada
From the brewer:
This beer was brewed in the Belgian Tripel style… with much exageration! An enormous amount of Citra hops was used, giving to the beer a powerful bitterness and obvious hops aromas. This beer had been fermented with our Abbey-style Belgian yeast, but at low temperature in order to limit the production of fruity and spicy esters. Aromas of mango, cantaloupe melon and passion fruit exhale all along the tasting, and match without complex with the strong alcohol content and hops.
According to the legend, the Herbe à détourne is a plant that makes you loose your way if you step on it. This beer finds its roots in the tradition of the Belgian Tripel style, but was designed in the New World way. Citra Hops is used without restraint, giving the beer an intense bitterness. Aromas of mango, cantaloupe melon and passion fruit exhale all along the tasting, and match without complex with the strong alcohol content and hops.
Style: Tripel
ABV: 10.20%
Packaging: 341 ml bottles, Key kegs
Brewer Website: http://www.dieuduciel.com/
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