Amager (The Sinner Series) Envy
Amager • Denmark
From the brewer:
“Cain is said to have murdered his brother out of envy. At Amager Bryghus we believe that murder is taking things a bit far. However, we admit to being envious because we weren’t the first brewer to come up with the beer style we admire the most: a crisp and hopped up West Coast IPA. We won’t kill anybody because we didn’t come up with the idea first, instead we present to you “Envy” – our take on this style. Humble – yet envious.
We’re not proud to be sinners, but at least we’re open about it…”
Style: West Coast IPA
ABV: 6.50%
Packaging: 30L key kegs, 500ml bottles
Brewer Website: http://www.amagerbryghus.dk/
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