An open letter to Sarah Palin

Dear Sarah,
We know you are probably busy keeping an eye on Russia for us, but we thought maybe you could use a break from that and the new baby and everything, ya know? We would like to invite you to visit the Shelton Brothers booth at the Great Alaska Beer & Barley Wine Festival being held in Anchorage this weekend.


We’ll have some great beers that can be appreciated by all kinds of folks, some of them even made by real, small town Americans! We are real excited about being there, and really hope there might be a chance to knock one back with you and the fam. It would be really cool to ride some snow machines with you folks while we are there. Are you planning on being in Wasilla? We thought maybe we would just swing by and say hi, give you a hug, and marvel at the new born gift the lord has bestowed on us. We’ve heard it is an incredible baby and that it is making people (especially you, Bristol and Levi) re-think their priorities in life. WOW 😉 If that is OK with you, just leave a light on for us as a signal. I did a google search for your address, so I’ve got it in my GPS. No worries. We should be able to find the house without any problems.Maybe we can share some La Roja and talk about how sour this whole assault by the mass media has made you. I mean, even poor Levi is getting abused! Have you seen that Travis Whitelaw video? Despicable! 😉

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Love and kisses,
Your Pals,
Shelton Brothers

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