Lervig/Surly 1349 Black Ale
Lervig Aktiebryggeri • Norway
From the brewer:
“The 1349 Ales are the results of a collaboration between three highly potent forces – Norwegian metal masters 1349, American feinschmecker brewery Surly, and Norwegian rising brewery star Lervig. With these ales we wanted to explore the powers of combined forces from different worlds of craftmanship and to manifest what our ideas of proper beers are. We have all brought our minds, heart and soul to this project. Revel in the Dionysian pleasures! As the bubonic plague silenced 2/3rds of Norway’s population back in the day, this dark beverage will scatter ashes along its way – leaving you breathless, but wanting for more. The 1349 Black Ale is our Strange Old Brew; an absolutely massive beer loaded with all the power malts, hops and freshly ground Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee, and rounded off with a distinguishable note of apocalyptic delicacy. This calls for a toast; now have a sip from our massive cauldron of chaos.”